3 Ways to Make Your Home Healthier

Young yogi smiling mother working out, doing Bird dog pose, wearing white sportswear, her baby daughter playing near her, yoga practice at home when having no time for gym. Healthy lifestyle concept


We always think of the air inside of our homes as pure and clean.  What if we told you indoor air quality is typically more polluted than outdoor?  We spend the vast majority of our day inside.  When we get home from school or work, it is inside the walls of our homes where we reside and we are breathing the air inside and out.  Just how healthy is it?  How are your Jacksonville windows contributing to air quality and what can you do to make the home healthier overall?


Caring for the HVAC System

Chances are living in the state of Florida that you have an HVAC system of some kind. The system will work to pump air throughout the home through air ducts.  How clean is the air that is coming out of this system?  Is it truly pure?

You want to care for your HVAC system with routine maintenance.  Figure out who the best in the area is about HVAC maintenance.  Be sure that you are getting a tune-up of that system at least annually.  Change out the air filter as well routinely!  That air filter can get so dirty, and it takes just five minutes or so to switch it and improve air quality in the process.


Open the Windows

It can do a lot only to open up your Jacksonville windows and let the fresh air inside.  When the night time hours cool down a bit, get those windows opened.  Take advantage of the outside and let all of that great air come right in. This is an easy way to circulate your home’s air without using the HVAC system.  If your windows are too dated to open and close easily, maybe it is time to reach out to us at American Window Products to seek a vinyl Jacksonville windows replacement.


Other Easy Steps

There are plenty of other straightforward and easy steps that can go a long way to making the air quality inside of your home healthier.  One of the most natural ones is to refrain from smoking inside.  Secondhand smoke can do a lot of damage and can sit in your home for extended periods of time.


Having a radon test as well as a carbon monoxide monitor is two other easy things you can employ to the benefit of the home’s air quality.  Having these can help give you comfort over the air quality.


Do you have a garage?  Have you ever left the car running inside of it and let it idle?  Do not do this!  The chemicals and fumes that come off of the car can get in the air of your home and also do a number on its quality.


We at American Window Products see customers all of the time who have the goal of making the home healthier.  It starts with air quality!  The steps you can take are all within reach.  Whether it is a simple maintenance of the HVAC system or running a radon test or carbon monoxide detector, multiple routes can be taken to making the home healthier.