Creative Ways to Make the Most of Your Kitchen Windows

construction worker sets of metal and plastic window


You can do more than you think with the windows you have in your kitchen. So much time decorating is spent in the kitchen focusing on the cabinets and countertops.  But, windows often get neglected.  When you get an opportunity though, like when a Jacksonville window repair is needed, you should refocus your efforts in creative ways to make the most of them.  


When it comes to decorating, creativity is a matter of finding the inspiration and motivation that allows us to express ourselves.  Once you tap into it, you’ll find ways to make the most of your kitchen windows. And, depending on your time commitment and the amount of resources you have, you can still create an inviting space with your windows.


Add Privacy with a Cafe Curtain

Curtains are one of the most underutilized things in the kitchen when it comes to windows and you want to make the most of them. The usual manner in which we hang curtains is by placing the rod at the top of the window and letting the curtain then hang down from there.  But, have you ever seen a cafe curtain? The approach here is a bit different as the rod is placed halfway down the window.


Try this out after we help you with your Jacksonville window repair and you’ll be impressed with the benefits. You will let natural light in, but the cafe curtain can keep the sun out as you are cleaning dishes or eating.


Accessibility of Cooking Utensils

Have you ever seen kitchens where pots and pans, as well as utensils, are hung in a classic manner above a cooktop? Why use that space when you can potentially incorporate your windows, leaving that area a bit more open?


As you get creative with decorating around the windows in this manner, you can also add a functional approach to the kitchen. This way, the things you need most are even more accessible than they used to be.  Why dig in a drawer when you can conveniently have them ready for you to grasp?


Add Flowers to the Area

Using the window sill is another way to add decoration to your kitchen.  Flowers that sit on the window sills are going to allow you to add some color to the room and add a nice ambiance because of the scent flowers give off. We usually will go with the traditional approach of placing a vase and flowers on the stove or cooktop when not in use, but why stop there when you can incorporate the kitchen windows as well?


Glass Art

You can tap into your creative side when you incorporate some artistry into the window’s glass.  Some special markers and paints allow you to put some work onto the windows themselves.  Putting seasonal art on the glass or matching the kitchen’s theme can involve the window that much more in the living space.


There are essentially endless possibilities when it comes to dressing up your kitchen windows.  You can make the most out of them by letting them add functionality and aesthetics to the space.  When your windows need replacement or Jacksonville window repair, think about how your decorating choices can add to your kitchen windows.