Gorgeous Home with Fiberglass Door

If you were in the market for a new door a couple decades ago, your options were extremely limited. And if you go back even a few years before that, you only had one option, and that was wood. Things have changed for the better in the 21st century, thank goodness! There are plenty of options now when it comes to door materials, all offering different looks, benefits and price tags. Although, the material that continues to lead the pack is fiberglass, and we’re about to tell you why.

Along with fiberglass, the other top options you have for your front door replacement include wood and steel. Most homeowners narrow it down to one of these three materials, and the great people at American Window Products can walk you through the whole process, and find you a door that’ll best suit your needs and budget.

Aesthetic Appeal of Fiberglass

One of the main reasons homeowners ultimately choose fiberglass for their front door replacement is the obvious aesthetic appeal. Fiberglass is manufactured to look like real wood, without any of the disadvantages that come along with it. In fact, most people won’t be able to tell the difference between fiberglass and the real thing! Depending on the stain you choose, your door can be created to look exactly like a wood door, at a fraction of the cost and practically zero maintenance requirements.

Easy Maintenance

Maintenance is another big factor homeowners should focus on when making their selection. Out of all the front door materials we mentioned, fiberglass will require the least amount of maintenance. If you opt for a true wood door, caring for the wood, painting and preventing dry rot are all headaches you might not be prepared for. Lucky for you, fiberglass doors don’t have any of these issues, even as the years pass! Wanna know just home simple it is to maintain a fiberglass door? Here’s a hint: soap, water and a dish rag is all you need.

Price Point

Practically everyone shopping for a front door has a budget in mind. Fiberglass strikes an excellent balance between quality and price point. Not only is the initial cost lower than a natural wood door, the maintenance costs are nearly nonexistent.


Safety is a big priority for all homeowners, which is why it’s so important to install a new door that’s incredibly secure. When it comes to protecting the interior of your home, fiberglass doors will provide the same strength as steel doors. Burglars and vandals don’t stand a chance.

Fiberglass doors are the obvious choice for homeowners, and for good reason. Whether it be the added security or the aesthetic appeal, the benefits are clear. Fiberglass doors look great, provide high security, have easy maintenance requirements and are also priced within most budgets. American Window Products can work with you to add a quality fiberglass door to the front of your home, just give us a call!