There are a lot of factors to consider when you’re in the market for a new front door, and it can often become difficult to navigate. The first instinct is typically to head into a big-box retailer and make a quick selection that’ll meet the bare minimum requirements. Unfortunately, it’s the little details about a new door that matter in the long run that a large retailer often overlooks. When you begin shopping for new doors, start the process by doing your homework. Trust us, it’ll pay off.

At American Windows Products, we know exactly what our clients are looking for in a new door. We’ve been serving the Jacksonville community for many, many years, and it’s our priority to give our customers a front door that exceeds their needs. Aspects of the door such as the material, design, functionality and energy efficiency will impact your home for years, so they should play a huge part in the selection process.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency should be at the top of your list during your door shopping. The better your door’s energy efficiency, the lower your utility bill. Not only will you save money in the long run, you’ll immediately experience a more comfortable interior temperature. Steel and fiberglass doors are typically known to be best regarding insulation, and the majority are Energy Star qualified.


The safety of your family should be the top priority, and that’s exactly what you’ll get with a quality front door. Our team will work with you to select a front door that protects your family and home, is built with a solid frame and has great locking systems. Don’t push security to the back-burner when shopping for a new door.

Aesthetic Appeal

Security and efficiency might be extremely efficient, but no one should buy a door that lacks curb appeal. Your house is likely your most valuable asset, and it’s foolish to deplete its appearance by installing an ugly front door. The front door and walkway of your home is the first impression you give guests, and the majority of our clients really care of this. All we’re saying is, select a door that looks as good as it functions.

The Frame Quality

The frame quality of new doors is a key indicator to how long your new door will last. Wood doors will have horizontal and vertical components, known as rails and stiles, that work to brace the door. Be sure the frame is built soundly so that you can benefit from the quality, long lifespan and solid construction.


It may seem silly to consider installation as part of a new door purchase, but it’s crucial to the functionality of the door.  It’s not just about the door you buy, but also who you buy it from and who will do the replacement/maintenance work for you. Our team at American Window Products has years of knowledge and experience, and the big-box retailers…often not so much. Be careful who you work with and know your installer’s level of expertise.

It’s your responsibility as a homeowner to take the necessary steps to find the very best front door for your home. But to be completely satisfied throughout the process, you need a partner you can trust. Our team at American Window Products will be that partner and adviser that’ll help you every step of the way. Once we’re done working with you, our hope is that you have chosen the best of the new doors that are available and that the installation and final result exceed your expectations.